Step into our mission by donating to Royal Family Kids Camp Thousand Oaks and helping to create life-changing moments for children who have experienced relational trauma.
Here are a few ways your “YES” to the mission of RFKC through your financial generosity can help make Royal Family KIDS Camp Thousand Oaks a reality for foster children:
- $40,000 = Camp Facility Costs (includes daily Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner)
- $1,000 = Camp Scholarship for One Camper AND his/her Counselor
- $500 = Sponsor One Camper
- $800 = Activities and Field Games for 35 Campers
- $500 = Art Supplies for Activity Time
- $400 = Bibles for 35 Campers
- $350 = Duffle Bags for 35 Campers
- $160 = Photo Albums for 35 Campers
- $30 = MP3 Player with Camp Music for one Camper
- $25 = Build a Bear Stuffed Animal for one Camper
- $20 = Tea and Cookies for the Tea Party
- $10 = One Camper T-Shirt
Your financial investment in one week of camp helps to change lives forever. We are so grateful and excited to partner with you!