Atmosphere men

Atmosphere Men's Ministry is committed to encouraging every man in our church and community to know and pursue God, and equip them for spiritual service in the home, church, workplace, community, and world.

For more information, please contact our Men's Director, John Monise.

Weekly Connection

We also offer weekly connection in our Men’s Life Groups. These groups run in conjunction with the rhythm of our normal life group seasons. For more information about Atmosphere Life Groups, click HERE.

connect nights

Our Connect gatherings offer us the opportunity to be refreshed and encouraged. We come together around tables to enjoy a meal, encounter Jesus through worship, and hear a short teaching. Whether you bring along a friend, or come alone, we promise you will find community here!
Our next Men’s Connect Night will happen in February 2025.

Annual Men's Retreat

We are heading to Big Bear September 6-8, 2024 for our Men’s Retreat!