Mixed Tape (Pt 2) | Special Guest Speaker: Chad Williams
Every summer has a soundtrack. For some folks it’s on an iTunes or Spotify playlist. Well, we’re going vintage this summer with a mixtape. You know the concept: put together a selection of your current favorites, write a personal note and give it to someone to enjoy. This summer, our weekend messages will be based on handpicked scriptures that move us. We think they’ll have something to say to you too.
Chad Williams is a former U.S. Navy SEAL, having served his country with distinction on SEAL Teams 1 and 7. While on active duty, March 14, 2007, Chad’s life was eternally changed as he apprehended the weaponized-message of the Gospel. A new man with a new mission, he understood that his future mission in life was to advance ground for God’s Kingdom. After completing 6 years of service, Chad went on to author the best-selling book SEAL of God (over 100,000 copies in print). Today, Chad has spoken at over 300 faith-based events, fortune 500 companies, and contributes expert analysis related to military affairs for major news networks.
Chad's deepest passion and desire in life is to communicate the life-changing message of the Gospel by drawing from his experiences in the SEAL Teams on and off the battlefield, to convey overcoming a lack of purpose, hope and meaninglessness.